No formatting in admin area

I am hoping someone may have come across this before. I was hosting a website over at Heroku and decided to move it to Render but the admin area has no formatting. The login page and in the admin area the formatting has completely gone. Render is saying they can see the admin area so the issue is with me.
Has anyone ever come across this?
I have tried clearing my cache. It shows exactly the same in three different browsers - Chrome, Edge and Opera. Appreciate any tips/insights as I don’t want to go back to Heroku if I can avoid it.

I don’t know anything at all about Render, so I don’t have any suggestions. But, what you’re seeing is frequently caused by a static file issue. (Files not collected, not collected to the right location, not configured to serve files from the collected location, etc, etc.)

I do see that Render has a whole section on managing static files with Django at Getting Started with Django on Render | Render Docs. Have you followed the steps in that section?

Thank you Ken
Yes. I have gone through that page but I noticed I forgot to add whitenoise to the middleware but that didn’t change anything. I will keep looking at the static angle and see what else I can do.
At least I have an idea of where to look now.