Overriding SQLite version

Hi everyone.

I recently got into trouble using Django 3.2.25.
My company force me to use an older version, with old computers that i CAN’T UPDATE (sorry for caps but it’s important).
Since i’m using Django, i also need to have SQLite 3.9.0, problem, i only have the 3.7.17, and again, can’t update it.

I’ve compiled the 3.9.0 into a separate directory and override the PATH by placing the new sqlite3 ahead in the priority.

But, Django keeps searching in my lib/sqlite3. Is there a way to change that ?

Thanks everyone.

Recent avancement that i’ve made !

i’ve found the mention of LD_PRELOAD env var that’s supposed to use the compiled shared librairy.
Sadely, after using this tutorial : JSON1Extension – Django (djangoproject.com) I’ve ran into an “Error :ld.so”
“from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.”

The file is the good one, with the good path.

Can someone explain this error please ?

Welcome @Pierremalle !

Please show the specifics of what you’re trying to do here. Include the actual commands being issued and the necessary directory contents.

For example, in your first post, you mention compiling sqlite 3.9 into a separate directory. Identify the actual name of the directory and its contents - including the date/time stamp showing that the library is recently compiled.

Likewise, with the LD_PRELOAD environment variable - show the actual setting you are making, and how you are working that in with how you’re trying to run Django.