PayPal API integration?

I’m looking at using PayPal to charge customers a subscription and I was wondering if there were any apps or libraries that would help integrate it with an already existing Django website?

I’m looking for something as simple as possible. Using Django 5.1.1 and Python 3.12.7.

If you need any extra information then please let me know.

Wouldn’t PayPal have an official pip package for this ?

Oh, I’m really sorry I didn’t think of that. Searching PyPi this seems like a good choice (even if it is a beta release).

Edit: Ah, it doesn’t support subscriptions. That is a shame.

Try Recurly ( if that works for you - recurly · PyPI

Stripe has subscriptions

I think the OP meant the PyPi package of Stripe doesn’t yet support subscription payments ?

Oh maybe I remembered that wrong. Im sorry for giving bad advice