Please help with Customizing django admin look and feel & default template

I am on part 7 of the Django Polls tutorial. I have created the admin directory inside the templates directory. I dont’t know where the admin/base_site.html file is. I have run the command but I do not see the file. Actually I should say I do not know where to look for the file admin/base_site.html. I am supposed to copy the file and edit it. Please help.

From the docs for part 7:

copy the template admin/base_site.html from within the default Django admin template directory in the source code of Django itself (django/contrib/admin/templates) into that directory.

You need to find where your Django is installed, and find that template within the directory. (We can’t answer that specifically, because we don’t know how you have your system configured for Python and Django.)

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Okay. I installed django inside a virtual environment. Should I go there?

@KenWhitesell thank you once again. I have found the file.

Should I include the basic HTML? Somewhere in this tutorial I was advised to use the full html code. So am I safe to add the full html as well as the code that I copied?

Yes, the tutorial tells you to copy the entire file, and make the changes to it as described there.