I am working on a django project and have been using python manage.py runserver
to spin up my development local server, but it just started exiting at Performing system checks
. This is the first time i am encountering such issue, have any one experienced this issue before, please how do i go about it?
C:\Users\Destiny Franks\Desktop\ecommerce_prj>python manage.py runserver
Watching for file changes with StatReloader
Performing system checks...
C:\Users\pc-name\Desktop\ecommerce_prj>python manage.py runserver
Watching for file changes with StatReloader
Performing system checks...
This is how everything looks, it does not show any error message or issue, just breaks off and return to the cmd.
Note: Other Projects are running well with the python manage.py runserver
I thought the issue was from my project
What do you get as output if you try either:
python manage.py runserver -v 3
python manage.py check -v 3
this is what happens
C:\Users\Destiny Franks\Desktop\ecommerce_prj>python manage.py runserver -v 3
Watching for file changes with StatReloader
Performing system checks...
C:\Users\pc-name\Desktop\ecommerce_prj>python manage.py check -v 3
It just exists as usual
Other people on this forum reporting errors similar to this have identified it as being related to not having enough memory available to run Django. Try closing apps and browser tabs to see if that helps.
Also, you could try running python manage.py shell
to see if the shell is able to start. (You can exit it if it does work.)
You can also try python -v manage.py check
to see if Python shows an issue. This will generate a lot of output. It’ll show a number of import statements, then (possibly) the important error message, then a lot of “clear”, “dispose”, “cleanup” type messages. You’ll be looking for the block of lines between those two sets - the last part of the imports and the error message (if any).
You can also do a pip check
to verify that your environment doesn’t have any problems.
Without being able to pinpoint the problem, I just had to make a new project with the same name as the one I was working on and name the apps accordingly and after moving all the code files to the new project, it began to function.
However, despite my best efforts to find out what the problem was, it appears that there is no one particular cause. According to many who have experienced it, it may be a database problem, a Python update problem, a system memory problem, etc.
I’ll keep looking for the problem’s source in the hopes of discovering something that can assist someone else experiencing a similar problem in the future.
I really value your help, so thank you very much.
Have you made any recent changes to your Django project, such as adding or removing any apps, models, or middleware? It’s possible that an error in one of these components could cause the server to exit during system checks. Additionally, have you checked the console output to see if any errors or warnings are being printed during the system check process? It may also be helpful to run the server with the --noreload option to see if the issue persists.
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I am facing exactly same issue. I am new to Django and using pipenv for the project. I am not able to spin up my development local server.
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Your code may contain exit() function
I started having the same problem after using
pip install python-magic
it started working after I used
pip install python-magic-bin
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Thank you. Your post saved me a lot of work.
I’ve added LOGGING = None
and now it’s working.
I solved it by commentig the imports one a one until i found an file .py creaded by mi “function,py” it had de following librery working wrong.
from xhtml2pdf import pisa
now ther server is loading.
i have to find a new library in order to replace de “pisa” library