Hi! I try to use these queries below on a page to get data between two dates:
def szd_by_date_szervezetielegedettseg(request, projekt_id, projekt_bydate_id):
fd = Projekt_szd_by_date.objects.raw('SELECT stressz_projekt_szd_by_date.date_from AS date_from FROM stressz_projekt_szd_by_date WHERE stressz_projekt_szd_by_date.id = %s', [projekt_bydate_id])
td = Projekt_szd_by_date.objects.raw('SELECT stressz_projekt_szd_by_date.date_to AS date_to FROM stressz_projekt_szd_by_date WHERE stressz_projekt_szd_by_date.id = %s', [projekt_bydate_id])
projekt_by_date = Projekt_szd_by_date.objects.raw('SELECT * FROM stressz_projekt_szd_by_date INNER JOIN stressz_projekt ON stressz_projekt.id = stressz_projekt_szd_by_date.id INNER JOIN stressz_elegedettseg WHERE stressz_elegedettseg.date BETWEEN %s AND %s AND stressz_projekt_szd_by_date.projekt_szd=%s LIMIT 1', [fd, td, projekt_bydate_id])
I have a model stressz_elegedettseg
from which I want to use the date filed added automatically when the object is created.
I like to use the date range from the stressz_projekt_szd_by_date
model that I add manually.
If I refresh the page it gives me this error:
Error binding parameter 0 - probably unsupported type.
If I add two dates manually to the query like 2021-01-01
it works well but with dynamic data it works not.
I’m new to Django and programming. What am I doing wrong?