I’m trying to execute a raw query in Django where I dynamically want to pick column names.
def func(all=True){
if all:
query_parameters = {
'col': '*'
query_parameters = {
'col': 'a,b,c'
with connections["redshift"].cursor() as cursor:
"select %(col)s from table limit 2 ;",
val = dictfetchall(cursor)
return val
Django is executing it like.
select "*" from table limit 2;
so the output is just like select "*"
and in the else case it is executed like
select "a,b,c" from table limit 2;
so the output is a,b,c
How can I run the command so that Django run it like
select a , b , c from table limit 2
so that the output is
a b c
1 2 3
4 5 6
would something like this work?
fields = ['a','b','c']
objects = Model.objects.only(*fields).filter()[:2]
This is just a simple version of the actual problem. I cant use ORM for this particular issue, I have to use raw query. Is this not possible with raw query ?
fair enough, how more complex is it?
We can’t be right/wrong and/or give good/bad ideas if we do not have more details than you gave 
Actually, it’s a legacy system and the query contains 5-10+ strange combinations of joins. We surely will re-write everything in ORM at a later stage of the project. But for the initial presentation, we are reusing the queries.
ah ok. Fair enough indeed.
Well what I proposed allows you to use the ORM, all the while dynamically building the list of fields/columns you want to fetch from the database:
fields = ['a','b','c']
field.insert(0, 'z')
limit = 2
objects = Model.objects.only(*fields).filter()[:limit]
this will result in something similar to the following query being generated and sent over the wire:
SELECT z, a , b , c, d FROM objects LIMIT 2;
Thanks for this, I know the ORM way. Just wanted to know if it’s possible with raw query.
Now I think its not possible with raw.
have you tried something like this?
cols = ['a, b']
cursor.execute("SELECT %s FROM table", [','.join(cols)])
i.e. w/o the keywords syntax?
Thanks, I tried but didn’t work out. But just after the last reply. I just got an idea and the hack worked. It’s working now.
Well, tell us about the hack! 
Prepared query step by step
Input data (Columns I need)
self.export_col = “a,b,c”
def calc_col(self):
if self.exp == 'T':
select_col = ""
self.export_col = self.export_col.split(',')
for col in self.export_col:
select_col += col + ","
select_col = select_col[:-1]
self.export_col = select_col
self.export_col += '*'
def prepare_query(self):
query += " SELECT "
query += self.export_col
query += """ from table limit 2;"""
I see… bet you can’t wait to migrate this to something newer! 
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