RecursionError at / maximum recursion depth exceeded

I get this error: “RecursionError at / maximum recursion depth exceeded”

This is my view:

def show_weekdays(request):
    shifts = Shift.objects.all().order_by('start_date')

    weeks = []
    current_week = None
    previous_week_number = None

    for shift in shifts:
        week_number = shift.start_date.isocalendar()[1]
        weekday = shift.start_date.weekday()

        if previous_week_number is not None and week_number != previous_week_number:

        if week_number != previous_week_number:
            current_week = {'week_number': week_number, 'days': []}

        current_day = next((day for day in current_week['days'] if day['weekday'] == weekday), None)

        if current_day is None:
            current_day = {'weekday': weekday, 'start_date': shift.start_date, 'shifts': []}

        previous_week_number = week_number

    if current_week:

    user_group = None

    if request.user.is_authenticated:
        if request.user.is_superuser:
            user_group = 'admin'
        elif request.user.groups.filter(name='Customer').exists():
            user_group = 'customer'
            user_group = 'user'

    context = {'weeks': weeks, 'user_group': user_group}

    if request.user.is_authenticated:
        if user_group == 'admin' or request.user.is_superuser:
            return render(request, 'shift-layout-admin.html', context)
        elif user_group == 'customer':
            return render(request, 'shift-layout-customer.html', context)
            return render(request, 'shift-layout-user.html', context)
        return render(request, 'base.html', context)

This is shift-layout-admin.html:

{% extends "base.html" %}

{% block shift-layout-admin %}

{% load static %}


<div class="m20"><!--START PAGE-->

    {% for week in weeks %}

        <div class="weeknr">
            <h1>Week {{ week.week_number }}</h1>

            <div class="grid-container shifts">

                {% for day in week.days %}
                    <div class="weekday day{{ day.weekday }}">

                            <div class="dayheader day{{ day.weekday }}">{{ day.start_date|date:'l j M Y' }}</div>

                            <!--START SHIFT-->
                            {% for shift in day.shifts %}
                                {% include shift.status.template_admin %}
                            {% endfor %}
                            <!--END SHIFT-->

                {% endfor %}



    {% endfor %}

</div><!--END PAGE-->
{% endblock %}

The debug indicates that the error is caused on this line:

<h1>Week {{ week.week_number }}</h1>

The included shift looks like this:


             <div id="record-{{ }}" class="card {{ shift.status.color_admin|safe }}" onclick="{{ shift.status.onclick_admin|safe }}('{{ }}')">

                    <div class="inverse container-card">
                        <div class="date-card"><b>{{ shift.start_date|date:'D j M Y' }}</b></div>
                        <div class="time-card">{{ shift.start_time }} - {{ shift.end_time }}</div>

                        <div><b>{{ shift.function }}</b> | {{ shift.shift_title }}</div>
                        <div><i>{{ shift.user.first_name}} {{ shift.user.last_name }}, <b>{{ shift.user.Function_short }}</b></i></div>

                    <div class="flex-container sb">
                        <div>{{ }} - {{ }}</div>

                 <div class="shiftid">{{ }}</div>


<!--END SHIFT-->

I don’t know why but I got the impression it got something to do with the background color that is defined in the css. I use rather complex styling here EG:

.blue-shift{background-color: #4B92DB;}
.blue-x-shift{background: repeating-linear-gradient( 45deg, #4B92DB, #4B92DB 10px, #a4c8ed 10px, #a4c8ed 20px );}
.orange-x-shift{background: repeating-linear-gradient( 45deg, #FF9966, #FF9966 10px, #ffbf9f 10px, #ffbf9f 20px );}
.gray-x-shift{background: repeating-linear-gradient( 45deg,  #b8b8b8, #b8b8b8 10px, #d9d9d9 10px, #d9d9d9 20px );}

When I use only simple colors everything works fine.
But the error is pointing to a view/template rendering relation

If you are interested these are the colors:

Is “week_number” a method in week? If so, please post it.

Otherwise, please post the complete traceback message as shown in the server console.

week number is from the view. I posted it first thing. Defined here:

for shift in shifts:
        week_number = shift.start_date.isocalendar()[1]

Hi Ken I skipped this include and combined shift-admin.html with shift-layout-admin.html. In the ongoing development proces I noticed this was not necessary anymore.

{% include shift.status.template_admin %}

shift-layout-admin.html now look slike this:

{% extends "base.html" %}

{% block shift-layout-admin %}

    {% load static %}


    <div class="m20"><!--START PAGE-->

        {% for week in weeks %}

            <div class="weeknr">
                <h1>Week {{ week.week_number }}</h1>

                <div class="grid-container shifts">

                    {% for day in week.days %}
                        <div class="weekday day{{ day.weekday }}">

                            <div class="dayheader day{{ day.weekday }}">{{ day.start_date|date:'l j M Y' }}</div>

                            <!--START SHIFT-->
                            {% for shift in day.shifts %}

                                <div id="record-{{ }}" class="card {{ shift.status.color_admin|safe }}"
                                     onclick="{{ shift.status.onclick_admin|safe }}('{{ }}')">

                                    <div class="inverse container-card">
                                        <div class="date-card"><b>{{ shift.start_date|date:'D j M Y' }}</b></div>
                                        <div class="time-card">{{ shift.start_time }} - {{ shift.end_time }}</div>

                                    <div><b>{{ shift.function }}</b> | {{ shift.shift_title }}</div>
                                    <div><i>{{ shift.user.first_name }} {{ shift.user.last_name }},
                                        <b>{{ shift.user.Function_short }}</b></i></div>

                                    <div class="flex-container sb">
                                        <div>{{ }} - {{ }}</div>

                                    <div class="shiftid">{{ }}</div>


                            {% endfor %}
                            <!--END SHIFT-->

                    {% endfor %}



        {% endfor %}

    </div><!--END PAGE-->
{% endblock %}

No problems anymore. My guess is that the include proces took to much work from the server!?

Wouldn’t be able to tell without seeing the full traceback. There’s not enough information posted here to diagnose it.

Thanks for your attention. For now the problem seems gone.