OS: windows 10 or windows server
anaconda: 4.8.3v and python in it is : 3.8v
Django: 3.1
I build a websocket project with Django , and use Daphne as the ASGI webserver.
with the following .bat files, to build a windows service:
@echo off
cd pycharm/websocket_pro/
daphne websocket_pro.asgi:application
sc create webocket_service binPath=E:/pycharm/websocket_pro/reg.bat start=auto
the sevice could be built, but not run!
in Anaconda Promt, directly run code “daphne websocket_pro.asgi:application”, it works!
but, in cmd, run “daphne websocket_pro.asgi:application”, it gives error: “ImportError: DLL load failed while importing _sqlite3: %1 not effective Win32 program”
why!? have any solution for it?