Replacing django-jsonfield==1.4.1 on Django Upgrade?

I’m upgrading to Django 4.2.7 from 3.x

I find that I throw errors when running unit tests because my old migration files want to do this:

import jsonfield.fields
('processed', jsonfield.fields.JSONField(default=None, null=True)),

The detail involves a call to django.utils.translation for ugettextlazy - which is no longer there in Django 4.2…
Looking at PyPI for django-jsonfield, I see that it is old and appears to not have been maintained past Django 3.x

django jsonfield PyPI page

Is there a known replacement library that works for Django 4.2 so I can “fix” my migration files?

Is there another, better strategy?

Many thanks…

Apparently this is legal. Don’t know if it’s “new” or not, but hopefully it works for my old migrations and unit tests…

('processed', models.JSONField(default=None, null=True)),

Yes. In Django 3.1, JSONField was added to core. Third-party libraries are no longer needed for JSON fields. See Django 3.1 release notes | Django documentation | Django