Hello everyone,
I am playing with the django formset with pleasure.
No problem to use it and save changed value.
But I got a problem when I add information in the last line (the one use to add a new object)
This object have a foreignkey and the value is right insert in the fields for update but not in the field for new.
I can enter it manually but it is boring especialy because it s normaly known by the system
Here a small picture perhpas more easy to hunderstand
And the result is when I save and jump to the views.py, the individual object (the last one / the create one) has a non valid form because there is a missing field
forms = my_FormSet(request.POST)
for form in forms:
if form.is_valid():form.save()
Do you know how to solve this problem and create the object correctly ?
Thanks for your help and sorry for my bad english