The nextjs of django

Hey Django community,

I wanted to share my thoughts on a recent trend I’ve noticed in the web development landscape. It seems that many developers are gravitating towards Next.js, a powerful JavaScript framework for server-side rendering (SSR) and building modern web applications. While Next.js has gained popularity for its seamless integration with React, I firmly believe that Django, our beloved Python web framework, still has a lot to offer. Allow me to explain why.

Django has always been known as a “batteries included” framework, providing developers with a comprehensive set of tools and features right out of the box. Its ORM, authentication system, and admin interface are just a few examples of the conveniences Django offers. The community surrounding Django is vibrant and supportive, ensuring a wealth of resources and third-party packages to solve almost any problem you encounter.

However, as the demand for dynamic and interactive web experiences grows, the need for efficient server-side rendering in JavaScript becomes apparent. This is where Next.js shines, providing a smooth development experience for client-side rendering (CSR) and server-side rendering (SSR) alike. Its integration with React, coupled with features like automatic code-splitting and prefetching, make it a compelling choice for building modern web applications.

But what if we could leverage the strengths of both Django and Next.js? Imagine a JavaScript SSR framework designed specifically for Django, allowing us to combine the power and elegance of Django’s backend with the dynamic capabilities of Next.js on the frontend.

Introducing JSPyBridge, a Python package that acts as a bridge between Node.js and Python. JSPyBridge enables server-side rendering of JavaScript components within Django, opening up endless possibilities for creating interactive and performant web applications. By seamlessly integrating Next.js-like SSR capabilities into Django, we can benefit from the best of both worlds.

With JSPyBridge, we could build reusable JavaScript components that interact with Django’s data models, seamlessly rendering them on the server and optimizing performance. This would not only enhance the user experience but also streamline the development process by leveraging Django’s extensive ecosystem of packages, libraries, and community support.

Imagine being able to write your frontend code in JavaScript, utilizing Next.js’s powerful features, while enjoying the familiar and robust backend environment Django provides. By combining the two frameworks, we can create applications that are not only feature-rich but also highly scalable and maintainable.

I’m excited about the prospect of a JavaScript SSR framework for Django, and I believe that together as a community, we can make it a reality. Let’s collaborate, share ideas, and explore the possibilities that JSPyBridge brings to the table. By merging the strengths of Django and Next.js, we can create truly remarkable web applications that deliver both outstanding performance and exceptional user experiences.

So, if you’re passionate about Django and intrigued by the potential of a JavaScript SSR framework, I invite you to join the discussion. Let’s push the boundaries of web development and build something remarkable together!


@almahdi404 ,

I was searching for a django+inertia react ssr solution and found your discussion.

I think your idea is brilliant. and I would like to know more if possible

Best regards,

I am building a SPA ssr framework for django using pure html syntax.
Which has layout system, pages, components, partial rendering, HMR and many more.
It’s able render alpinejs syntax on the server.

I believe it will completely change the web development landscape in django.
Hopefully I will publish the alpha version in this month.

I would like to contribute if possible

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Here you go GitHub - picomet/picomet: The nextjs of Django

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