Hello everyone.
I’m facing some difficulties understanding staff
permissions for User
It is clear that is_superuser
grants all permissions (including admin
features). However I can’t understand the role of is_staff
describes as “Designates whether the user can log into this admin site.” However if is_staff
field set to True
and is_superuser
field set to False
the user is not able to access admin. Is that how it supposed to work? If yes, than what is the use of is_staff
field if superuser has to set user’s permissions to access admin page manually?
Well, imagine that you have the following scenario.
You build a company website. This website have a internal dashboard or management area (not the django admin). A user can be a superuser of that management area, but not from the django admin (superuser=True but is_staff=False). But someone can have access to the django admin, but not to be a superuser (is_superuser=False but is_staff=True).
They’re completely different flags that mean different things.
Remember, the Django admin site is a very special place, you must keep it reserved to a few people, as the documentation states on the 1st paragraph of The Django admin site.
@leandrodesouzadev , thanks for helping!
So, if I understand right :
- User with
is_staff = True
has an access to django admin dashboard without permissions until explicitly specified; is_superuser
has all permissions except django admin (untilis_staff
is set);- combination of
is_superuser + is_staff
grants all permissions of two points above?
That is correct.
This isn’t quite accurate.
The is_superuser
setting bypasses all permissions tests within the admin. If is_superuser
is set, then no other permissions ever need to be assigned.
(Note: The general intent for this is that is_superuser
bypasses all permission tests. However, it’s valid for a custom permissions test to ignore this setting, making it possible to create views that block individuals with only is_superuser
That is strange because in my case removing ‘is_staff’ but keeping ‘is_superuser=True’ denies to enter admin url. I might missed something.
And additionally I don’t clearly understand where permissions applied to: either to admin site only or project globally. I noticed that granting some particular app permissions to user displays those models in admin while other hidden but roaming on the website still allows to access a views which are not permitted. Do I still have to restrict it manually in template with ‘has_permission()” ?
I believe that looking to is_staff
is more like:
“You only will be able to login/access the admin if you have this flag set. No matter if you have one, none or all permissions”
While is_superuser
is like:
“No matter which permission is checked against this user consider it to have it. But this permission doesn’t have anything to do with the is_staff permission”
Nope, you’re right.
That is correct, and is why I specified that these settings affect the admin. (Or in the view, as that typically is the more common case for applying permission limitations.)
All permission limitations within your project is your responsibility to define and enforce.
(For some additional thoughts on this, see (SOLVED) How to add a more fine grid authentication/permissions to groups in Django - #4 by KenWhitesell and the topics it links.)
@KenWhitesell , @leandrodesouzadev.
Thank all of you for explaining. More staff make sense now.
Marking @KenWhitesell answer as solution as last replied.