Validate Model

I need to validate the imported table’s value and record the errors in the other table. There are no forms.


Is there a question or request for assistance here?

If so, it would be helpful if you described in more detail what you’re trying to do. Specify how you’re importing data, and how you’re looking to run this.

Hi, is a request for assistance.

When importing data into the table, you must record all inconsistencies, that is, for each line to show the error returned. For example, when importing with the wrong email field, you must record the row ID and the respective error “Email Wrong” in a table

thank you

What process are you using to import the data into your table?

Do you know what all you’re validating?

When you say that you have “the wrong email field”, what does that mean?

the process is integration service sql, and after import, i want register the validation

ID: 00001
Email: django@django

ID: 00002

must record, when finish import

ID: 00001
Message: Wrong Email

ID: 00001
Message: OK

process is Integration Services of sql server

ID: 00001
Email: django@django

ID: 00002
Email: django@django

so, must record when finish

ID: 00001
Message: Wrong Email

ID: 00002
Message: OK

I’m more confused than before. What does this have to do with Django?