Assistance on planning a project

Planning out a project for my work. Basically, where I work we receive up to 50 new people every few days they go through so classes and briefs to get introduced and in-processed into the military installation. Currently the process is sucky. They get called off from a list in the morning and go to a classroom where they sign in on a piece of paper. About 2-3 people out of 50 each class have decent enough writing to read their name, and phone number. I would like to stream line this process so “students” can go on their phone or the computers we have at the desks and “sign in”. I don’t want them to be able to create a user account as they will get messy fast and they would only use it for 5 days maximum. Additionally, trying to make as easy as possible for them.

I am looking at creating 3 models Users, Team, and Students. Users (People running the classes and teaching the students) are assigned to Team. Teams are 1-4. Each team starts on a different day. Going back to the first paragraph. With students not being able to login I would like to create a system of checks and balances. When we (Team) input the start date of the class, the students would be registered to the Team ONLY if the start date matches with the form date.

Also, on the paper bringing them to the military installation it gives a code of the specific place they are going to. Each code belongs to a higher company. A higher company could have 10 different codes.

I am trying to make it so the students can enter the code they have on their paper and on the backend it will automatically assign them to the higher company. I am assuming I can have a list of codes grouped by higher company and then loop through the form values on submit and save that to the DB.

I hope this makes sense. I am in the planning stages of this application so I dont have anything coded out right now.

Aside from getting even more specifics from you it looks like you have the basics of your app thought of. Are there any specific problems you’re trying to solve you need help with?

As far as the student sign-in process you could have a Kahoot (the game used in a lot of high schools) where you give the class of 50 students a PIN number that then allows them to complete a form specific to there time with you on base. From there you could issue a PIN number to the student who completed the form that would give them access to whatever type of structure you need them to adhere to.