Call for Project Ideas and Prospective Mentors for GSoC 2025

Hi Folks.

Google Summer of Code (GSoC) rolls around again. Historically this has been a real boon for Django, with successes again this year.

We need project ideas and prospective mentors for 2025. Do you have one? Is that you?

A mentor with an Area of Interest is a good start. A concrete project on top of that is even better.

It could be for Django itself. It could be in a third-party package.

It has to be do-able in a 12 week GSoC project, but that doesn’t necessarily mean small. Examples: CrossDB JSONField, Redis cache backend, Composite Primary Keys.[1] (Please don’t say “Add types to Django” though, that’s not realistic for GSoC.)

  • Is there a particular thing in one of your third-party apps?
  • Is there a Django ticket that you’d just love resolved?
  • Is there something you’ve been working on that could do with time to be progressed? (Form Media has been discussed, just as an example… — but you tell me.)

Any of these could be candidates for a project.

I’ll put forward “bring django-template-partials into core”. This is well scoped, well defined, and something I haven’t had the time yet to progress. It’s on my list for this cycle, and I’d love to mentor someone through that.

How about you? :unicorn:

  1. it’s not 100% clear these were totally doable in the time, but let’s go with it. ↩︎


I would similarly like to propose getting django-admin-keyboard-shortcuts into core and would be happy to mentor on this.

It’s not as well developed as django-template-partials, but I actually think there is not a huge amount of work to get into a mergable state. Mostly the work is around implementing a model instance finder, which hopefully we can reuse bits of autocomplate_fields for, and after that mostly testing (both automated and manual to make sure we’re not breaking browser shortcuts). Mostly I (and the rest of the a11y team) have been struggling to find time to work on it.

One thing I’d really like (but not be able to help much on) is first class WebAuthn / passkeys support, so I’d love to throw… someone else’s hat into the ring for that!


The current Fellows would be keen to mentor Ticket #35380. This would involve some research and the creation of a plan to automate the process of updating screenshots.

This would be a small-to-medium-sized project that I believe is ideal for the GSoC timeframes. It would also provide the mentee with valuable contributing experience and background.

Thank you! :rocket:


I’ll gladly throw my metaphorical hat into the metaphorical ring for mentoring anyone interested in contributing to django-tasks. There are some chunky features that someone with a chunk of time and passion could make some great headway on!

(I don’t think “Get more of django-tasks into core” is necessarily the best use of a GSoC spot at the moment, at least until merges)

:cowboy_hat_face: :ringer_planet:


I think implementing a site wide search for the Django website could be a nice project.
Happy to be the mentor, also happy for anyone else in maintainer group/ WG to mentor

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