Django cpannel hosting is not working

i have set up the python app how it should be and still not working. I’ve ran collect static and migrations. ill upload my setup below:

and the python files are not showing up in the tree, but it shows up on the right side.

as i go to the url this is what i get

Note: I have also added the name servers from my hosting to my domain.

django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: The SECRET_KEY setting must not be empty.

this is what i get in the error log but my SECRET_KEY in django settings is not empty.

Create a new file at the level of named “” and place the following content:

import os
import sys

from project.wsgi import application

Then i should use passengers as my application url right? Isnt that the same as calling wsgi directly?

import os
import sys

from amking_web.wsgi import application

did it, but its still the same.

I think you’re on the wrong link.

Fixed it. I just had to clear my browser cache.