I am get import Django from “django.urls” pylint(import-error)
Have you configured a virtual environment?
This error usually comes from VSCode not knowing where to look for the pip dependencies you installed.
Thank you for seeing my ticket/issue
I did configure VM just as per the video tutorial
and then I got an error as posted and then I have unchecked pylint from the setting and ran into more trouble
- I ran the server and it said module not found
I will try again now fingers crossed
What do you mean by VM? A virtual machine?
What’s the video tutorial you’re refering to? That might help troubleshoot your problem
Disabling Pylint will just hide the error. What error messages did the server throw?
Did you solve this problem? If not let me try and see if it’s the same problem with mine
At the bottom right there is a place where you select interpreter
You must change this to the env
Let me try to find the link how I solve mine
This link solved my problem.
Alternative way: use the command interface!
Ctrl + Shift + P Python: Select Interpreter → choose the one with the packages you look for:
Just find the one with your current virtual environment