Django-matomo -- Integrating Django with Matomo analytics

Hi All,

Is anyone here using Django with Matomo? Since the django-piwik module, promoted on the Matomo integration site is out of date, I wrote django-matomo: django-matomo · PyPI

I know there are several pip packages allowing such integration, but django-piwik was really simple, and I wanted to create something similar, for basic tracking.

I tested django-matomo with one of my projects and it works fine, but if anyone would be interested in testing it, as well, you feedback would be much appreciated. :slightly_smiling_face:


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Quick update: django-matomo has been accepted as the official package for Django integration, and it is now listed at: Matomo Analytics - Easily Integrate Web Analytics With Ecommerce Stores . If anyone will have issues with the package, feel free to contact me or open an issue here: Issues · mikbuch/django-matomo · GitHub

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