Getting this error " No Python at 'c:\program files (x86)\python38-32\python.exe"

I have an existing django project . I wanted to open that project . But , after activating the virtual environment ,whenever i am trying to run 'python runserver ’ I am getting this “No Python at 'c:\program files (x86)\python38-32\python.exe” error in command prompt.

I am not getting any solution of this problem .

Can you trying python3 runserver?

@Jonathan-Adly yup, but same thing happened

This occurs when your python files are missing or uninstalled. So, you may need to reinstall your python

I found same problem . have you solve this problem ? can you help me to solve it. ?

Your venv must be pointing to the wrong location (assuming python is still installed). You might try just recreating your venv. Assuming you have been good about updating requirements.txt that’s really easy to do.