Got locked out of trac because of "spamming" a ticket

I tried to comment on ticket #28404 I was working on and got a message from spam detection. Now I can’t do anything with the ticket and don’t know how to resolve the situation?

I don’t know how I triggered the spam detection. I just quoted something that I wrote in the associated PR.

:wave: I’ve not had this happen before but i can see a discussion on the Django developer mailing list on the spam filter:
In short, the spam filter does have false positives and Tim could “tune the settings”. As he was a fellow, it’s likely the fellows will help you on Monday.

Did you use your GitHub account to login? :slightly_smiling_face:
I guess you should be able to view the ticket in an incognito window. You can let me know what you want to update or comment if you want the ticket updated before Monday :+1:

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Tagging fellows to ensure they see this @felixxm @nessita.

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Thanks for your help. There is no rush, but I didn’t know how to proceed. In the meantime my login seems to work again. Sorry for the trouble. I try to be more careful next time. :pray:

Your comment was marked as spam because you tried to add a comment as an anonymous user that mainly contained a previous comment. I don’t see anything unusual in this:

Ok, sorry for the trouble. I was switching between browser tabs a lot and seemed to have overlooked that.