I started my mdn web docs tutorial in a local directory on my computer. The tutorial now asks me to save to Github. How do I move the local directory and save it on Github? The mdn web docs tutorial is at * Django Web Framework (Python)
Working with Git and Github is a whole separate topic that really isn’t directly related to Django. I suggest you do a web search for “git” or “github” tutorials to find something you consider useful.
Note: Keep in mind that git and github are two different topics. Git is a version control package. It lets you keep and manage different versions of your software. Github is a cloud-based resource, giving you (for free), the ability for you to save your code out on the internet, with some limitations. There are also other features within github making it generally a very useful tool. But you can use git without ever using github.
There’s a comment elsewhere in the forum recommending How to Use Git {Beginner's Guide} + Getting Started with GitHub. I took a quick look at it, and it appears that up through step 7 would suit you well. (You might want to read beyond that, but those get into topics you really don’t need to deal with yet.)
You may also find this one helpful: How to Use Git and GitHub – a Guide for Beginners and Experienced Developers
Hopefully, one of those two will help you get started.
The mdn site does have some information at Git and GitHub - Learn web development | MDN, but that’s more reference material than a full tutorial. How useful that will be to you is hard to say.
Thanks Ken I will go through your recommendations.