Hi all ,Hello,
I am Advait, a B.tech UG student. I started using Django as a framework at the around august '21 . I am new to open source contribution world, but I am intrigued by it (I have done a few projects with it and I know python )
I want to contribute back to it , so I want to know about how can I do it ?
I have seen most of the tickets are high lvl coding but I don’t think I can do it
→ but I saw some code and want to edit some code bugs I found but don’t know if they are on purpose or not
(as new to open source have some doubts can some some help me with it).
→ have gone through enough of documentation and source code
Django is mature, so a lot of the tickets can take some time to get 100% on top of. That’s OK, but you need to be prepared to take that time. So, I would advice browsing for a ticket that gets your attention and then really focusing on that to understand it completely.
Then you can also think about contributing to one of the third-party packages you use. Most are in need of all the time and help they can get, as volunteer maintaining is hard to keep up, especially the last couple of years. The Jazzband org shepards a lot of projects, so may be a good place to look.
Again, for any project, the best way is to focus on one issue and really try to understand it. You learn a lot along the way doing that, and that helps you handle the next issue, and so on…
Generally folks are happy to help if you hit a particular issue.
Hello Myself Preeti Sharma , software engineer by profession apart from that I like to work on open source projects . I have worked on my project where I have included Django functionalities in the past but as a newbie in the organization . I really want to get started apart from documentation is there any way to know from where to get started, and is there any peer section here in forum to ask for help from fellow mates and mentors.