New governance model for the Django project

After several rounds of development, the Django core team, Technical Board, and DSF Board have voted to accept a proposal for changing the way the Django open-source project is governed.

For some time now, a proposal to change the governance of the Django open-source project has been under discussion and refinement. It was written up as a Django Enhancement Proposal (DEP), and numbered as DEP 10.

Changing the governance of the Django project is not something to do lightly, and not something that could be done lightly. It required the agreement of the Django core team, the Django Technical Board, and the Board of Directors of the Django Software Foundation. All of those groups have now held their deliberations, and voted to accept DEP 10.

In the coming weeks, implementation of DEP 10 will start in earnest, but today it’s worth giving a quick summary of what’s changing and why. For the full details you can also read the DEP (though keep in mind it’s a governance document that tries to be as precise as possible and cover a lot of potential edge cases, and so is a bit long-winded and dry).

Read the full details on the Django project website.