Request to join Portuguese language translation team

Hi, I would like to start contributing to this awesome project :slight_smile:

I see Django PT-BR (my native language) documentation has a lot of improvement opportunities, and I would like help.

Maybe later I can be able to make some code contributions :).

I’ve created a Transifex account and tried to join on Django-docs and Django pages, and now I’m waiting for feedback.

Hope I can help and learn with you guys! that would be awesome!

Hey @laercioigorps, good to see you here!
I’m also Brazilian, and also requested to join the translation team, four months ago. But i’m still waiting for feedback. I don’t know if there any “leaders” that can approve our requests though.
My approval request post.

I hope this is solved by now, so we can work together!

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@claudep Can you help with getting the ball rolling on this?

Someone may try to ping one of that team’s coordinators, as they may not read this thread.

@leandrodesouzadev , @laercioigorps

You can try contacting some of the coordinators here:

Thanks for the feedback @erikrw , @claudep.
I have sent a message to two of them directly from transifex.
The other 3 members doesn’t seen to be active members of transifex anymore.

Thank you all :slight_smile:

With the list provided by @erikrw , I could contact one of the Django coordinators(sending a message at Transifex didn’t help). So I got a response from Filipe and he accepted me and @leandrodesouzadev .

And now There is a lot of work!

I’m happy to hear it worked out, and sorry it took so long for you, @leandrodesouzadev :slight_smile:

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Hi everyone!

I would like to contributing to Django project :grin:

I started reading the “Contribution to Django” page and noticed that this page doesn’t have a translation yet. I would love to collaborate with the Django project, starting with translating this page.

I have already created my Transifex account and made a request to join the django-docs project.

I’m excited to get started guys!