searching React-Django-Developer to learn and improve

Dear all,

a mentorship seems too much to ask for but I would love to have a person to ask questions if I am stuck on my projects. Sometimes I feel a bit strange to open every time a new topic in this great forum when I am stuck.

That is not easy for me and I am not good at this but I would really need help to improve.
I code on an iMac, I have an other laptop with Ubuntu and Windows 10 but I prefer the iMac. I live in France. I have around 2 to 4 hours per day to code. I do not know what else I should add…

I also would love to contribute to a project but I feel not yet ready. I want to be ready and I want to improve and learn. With a little more help I am sure “the sky is the limit”.

Would be happy to get some or one answer.

Thanks for reading,

Hi DoriDoro,

Regarding asking questions about projects you’re stuck on, this forum exists for that reason. Yes, you should do your research before starting a thread. But if you’ve given an honest effort to find your answer on the web and in the docs, then please open a ticket. Every developer gets stuck. Nobody can keep the entirety of the Django framework (or any technology really) in their head.

Regarding contributing to a project: I think this seems a bit more daunting than it really is. I’d recommend watching Carlton’s talks (Talk 1 - 2018, Talk 2 - 2019) on Django needs you and listening to the David Smith episode of Django Chat.

Best of luck,