Shell, ipython, ['@ and some other symbols are not printed

I work from a virtual environment.
When I run the shell (python shell) in the ipython shell, I don’t get the ‘[@{^`~’ characters to be pressed
If I remove ipython everything works

(djvenv) PS C:\Python\Projects\django\sitewomen> python shell
Python 3.11.3 (tags/v3.11.3:f3909b8, Apr  4 2023, 23:49:59) [MSC v.1934 64 bit (AMD64)]
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 8.21.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.

In [1]: 

------------------------------ ---------------
anyio                          4.2.0
argon2-cffi                    23.1.0
argon2-cffi-bindings           21.2.0
arrow                          1.3.0
asgiref                        3.7.2
asttokens                      2.4.1
async-lru                      2.0.4
attrs                          23.2.0
Babel                          2.14.0
backcall                       0.2.0
beautifulsoup4                 4.12.3
bleach                         6.1.0
certifi                        2024.2.2
cffi                           1.16.0
charset-normalizer             3.3.2
colorama                       0.4.6
comm                           0.2.1
debugpy                        1.8.0
decorator                      5.1.1
defusedxml                     0.7.1
Django                         5.0
django-extensions              3.2.3
executing                      2.0.1
fastjsonschema                 2.19.1
fqdn                           1.5.1
idna                           3.6
ipykernel                      6.29.0
ipython                        8.21.0
ipywidgets                     8.1.1
isoduration                    20.11.0
jedi                           0.19.1
Jinja2                         3.1.3
json5                          0.9.14
jsonpointer                    2.4
jsonschema                     4.21.1
jsonschema-specifications      2023.12.1
jupyter                        1.0.0
jupyter_client                 8.6.0
jupyter-console                6.6.3
jupyter_core                   5.7.1
jupyter-events                 0.9.0
jupyter-lsp                    2.2.2
jupyter_server                 2.12.5
jupyter_server_terminals       0.5.2
jupyterlab                     4.0.12
jupyterlab-language-pack-zh-CN 4.0.post6
jupyterlab_pygments            0.3.0
jupyterlab_server              2.25.2
jupyterlab-widgets             3.0.9
MarkupSafe                     2.1.5
matplotlib-inline              0.1.6
mistune                        3.0.2
nbclient                       0.9.0
nbconvert                      7.14.2
nbformat                       5.9.2
nest-asyncio                   1.6.0
notebook                       7.0.7
notebook_shim                  0.2.3
overrides                      7.7.0
packaging                      23.2
pandocfilters                  1.5.1
parso                          0.8.3
pickleshare                    0.7.5
pip                            23.3.2
platformdirs                   4.2.0
prometheus-client              0.19.0
prompt-toolkit                 3.0.43
psutil                         5.9.8
pure-eval                      0.2.2
pycparser                      2.21
Pygments                       2.17.2
python-dateutil                2.8.2
python-json-logger             2.0.7
pywin32                        306
pywinpty                       2.0.12
PyYAML                         6.0.1
pyzmq                          25.1.2
qtconsole                      5.5.1
QtPy                           2.4.1
referencing                    0.33.0
requests                       2.31.0
rfc3339-validator              0.1.4
rfc3986-validator              0.1.1
rpds-py                        0.17.1
Send2Trash                     1.8.2
setuptools                     65.5.0
six                            1.16.0
sniffio                        1.3.0
soupsieve                      2.5
sqlparse                       0.4.4
stack-data                     0.6.3
terminado                      0.18.0
tinycss2                       1.2.1
tornado                        6.4
traitlets                      5.14.0
tzdata                         2023.3
uri-template                   1.3.0
urllib3                        2.2.0
wcwidth                        0.2.12
webcolors                      1.13
webencodings                   0.5.1
websocket-client               1.7.0
widgetsnbextension             4.0.9

[notice] A new release of pip is available: 23.3.2 -> 24.0
[notice] To update, run: python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip
Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.