Site stops responding with Django 4.2 and uWSGI

I upgraded my site running on Django 3.2 to Django 4.2. The site is deployed with Nginx/uWSGI. After upgrading, eventually the site becomes unresponsive. Nginx reports upstream connection timeouts but uWSGI continues to run with no active connections to it. There are no application level errors either.

It looks like the WSGI handler got a large update for 4.2, has anyone else experienced these issues? If so, any solutions other than rolling back?

Given that Django 4.2 is still in “Alpha” status, I guess I wouldn’t find this too surprising. Personally, I wouldn’t imagine trying to deploy Django 4.2 in a live environment yet.

If you actually have discovered a problem, I’m sure the Django team would appreciate getting a detailed report about it.

Sorry, I typed 4.2 when I meant 4.1.5.