Status of 4.2 release blockers.

Hi y’all :wave: ,

Time to kick off the release process for the next major release, Django 4.2! :tada:

The 4.2 feature freeze is scheduled (according to the roadmap) for January 16th. I’d like to release the alpha on the same day :crossed_fingers: .

4.2 is already full of new goodies :coin:, but we have two larger patches we want to finish reviewing:

Many thanks to contributors from all over the world :world_map: :green_heart:



That’s great news!
With the included support for psycopg3, is there any advantages in going full async?

Not immediately, but psycopg v3 provides async connections and cursors so it was necessary in the long run.


Django 4.2a1 is out:


Django 4.2b1 is out:

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so where would this put third-party packages like django-storages?

django-storages will still work the same, it’s just the STORAGES setting that is a new way of pointing to your storage backends.

Django 4.2rc1 is out:

The release candidate stage marks the string freeze and the call for translators to submit translations.

We can’t find the release notes strings for version 4.2 on Transifex.

Documentation translations for 4.2 will be available after the final release, this is the current workflow.

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Thanks for your clarification, based on that I proposed a change in the flow.