Starting the django.

Hey, everyone. I started learning django framework a week ago and here are the things that i learned:

  • how to create a project and an app.
  • how to use database through django
  • and lastly adding some elements to the database through admin web-site.
    And have a question for you guys. Where and how can I test my knowledge and practice before getting to the next big thing in django and python as whole
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The Educational chapter is a good place to start.

Welcome to the Django society :blush:


If you can read Korean, this will be helpful.

Welcome @dilshodazamjonov !

It sounds like you’ve started working through the official Django tutorial.

If so, I would suggest you finish working through it.

I might also suggest that you work through the Django Girls Tutorial as well - they complement each other nicely.

The best way to learn is to keep working…

Wow, thanks I will certainly gonna try this one out

So, is it smth about the pathway to learn the django?

Yeah, I started with one and although I have great knowledge in python basics and understand code logics easily, still have trouble remembering and practicing all these django related topics. And thanks for the advice about Django girls tutorial, I will definetely try this one out. Provide with more materials if you have, I would be really happy.
Have a great day.

That link focuses on the process of creating a website with Django rather than learning Django features.

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