Translating & looking for consistency with the package itself

Hello, we’re in the process of adding translation support to Currently Baptiste is helping me out by reviewing my PRs adding translation tags to the code and it’s coming along well.

So the next step is to work out how we’re going to go about gathering translations from people. There is some mention of transifex in the project, but I was hoping that someone could help provide some details on how translations for django itself are gathered. I think consistency for the website would put it in a better starting position to gather traction.

Once the how people contribute translations is in place we can then integrate that and look to adding the final changes so people can choose their preferred language, just like in the docs.


I’ve managed to make some pregress on this and am now a maintainer of the website project on transifex.


:wave: I’ve transferred this to the website category, hope that’s ok!

Yes of course. I posted in DSF (I think) because I thought that was the best place to get the information I was looking for.