Learn Django from scratch to deployment by creating a real world ecommerce web application with Bootstrap and Stripe payment gateway.
One of my friend has created this course and I found it well explained and fast paced. It has almost everything to start making real world websites with Django. As you know that its a project oriented course so your project may need some additional 3rd party depending on the requirements. However as a beginner level course this has everything to push you into production.
It covers the in a project oriented way
Django Admin
Django ORM
Database model relationships
Mail sending
Static files handling
Media upload handling
Django RBAC (Role-based Access Control)
Mail Testing
Stripe payment gateway integration
Multi vendor ecommerce architechture
User authentication
Deploy to cloud
Multiple file upload
I would appreciate if anyone take a quick look at Build an eCommerce with Django and provide feedback if any.
Thank you.
Happy Coding