I would like to create a website with python. I saw that one of the best ways is using Django. I am new with Django. I need information where I can find free templates that I can use for website creation and how to import them in Django? Is it possible to import every template with Django or there are restrictions? I want to use mysql and tables. Is there a website where I can find free web templates with different tables and functionalities with tables that I can take as ready to use modules?
I think first, you’ll want to set your expectations appropriately. Django is not a CMS like Wordpress, Drupal, etc. It’s more like a “CMS construction kit”, something you can use to build a CMS. (If you search the forum, you’ll be able to find threads with other discussions on when to select Django for your project vs when to select something else.)
If you’re coming from a CMS background, you’re not going to find libraries of pre-built templates in the same way that you would find for those CMSs. In Django, you’re generally expected to create your own to match your own system’s requirements.
If you’re looking for a CMS, then you might want to check out the Wagtail and Django CMS projects.
In addition to suggesting you work through the Official Django Tutorial as recommended in the previous answer, I can also recommend working through the Django Girls Tutorial. Beyond that, I suggest you check out the Education section of the Awesome Django page. (There’s a lot of information available out on the web for Django. Unfortunately, not all of it is correct or current. You’ll want to ensure that you select quality material.)
Thank you for your reply! I would like to develop a website importing tables from mysql, accessing data, making Pearson correlation and visualising the results and tables.
Regarding your experience what I can use better django, django-cms or any other Web based programming language or platform? I see on Internet that there are a lot of examples related with correlations implemented with python libraries. Therefore I think that using python and django I can realise the task mentioned above, right?
You can, yes. Whether it’s the “best” tool for this, I’m not sure. (I’d actually kind of doubt it.)
If what you’ve listed is all you need your website to do, it would probably be easier if you found a “charting” or “statistics” oriented toolchain. For example, you might want to check out dash / plotly or Jupyter as possible options. (There are others, these are just the first two that come to mind.)