Find tickets in which I am involved

Step by step I start to find my way into Contributing to Django.
After some small support in the triage of a ticket I am now wondering, if there is a way/place to find all the tickets in which I was involved?

Currently I am logged in with my Github account.
But I don’t see something like a profile, where I have an overview of my activities.
And I tried to query the tickets with filters for my name.
But there seems to be no filter to find involved people or people who have commented?!

User interaction counterintuitive

Generally the way and opportunities to interact with users in the ticket system seems very complicated and counterintuitive for me.
I just found, that if I want to assign a ticket to myself I need to use my Github handle (Sammeeey), instead of my full name (specified in the Preferences).
For myself this works.
But I feel the need of a system which is better applicable for user interaction (maybe assigning of tickets to other users or even referencing other users in a comment).

I can’t find a way with Trac :man_shrugging: Maybe there is an upstream ticket for this feature.

I found all tickets featuring me with DDG: "adam johnson" at DuckDuckGo

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Thank you, that’s a nice hackerish idea :+1: