Ready to use CMS (CodeRed?)


I am searching a ready to use CMS based on Django.

I have used DjangoCMS some months ago and I am looking for alternatives.

I found wagtail, but this is not ready to use. I found CodeRed which looks good.

Which ready to use CMS exists? Can you recommend one?

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CodeRed is a wrapper around Wagtail CMS. I like it, as it has a built in admin that is nice to use.


I recommend Wagtail - it’s unobtrusive and well thought. It’s practically pure Django + missing CMS related parts. And the admin, oh boy, it’s slick!

Hi, what are you calling “ready-to-use”?. Don’t expect something like wordpress in django world, i mean with templates and themes ready made for you.

I know this is an older topic, but wanted to provide a little extra info for anyone who stumbles upon it.

Wagtail is for sure one of the “top” (however you want to define that) Django-based CMS. However, it does require development - to define how your content is structured etc. So if you are looking to build a custom website using Django, I would start with Wagtail. The example used in the Wagtail Bakery is defining a custom model for Breads and Pastries, then aggregating those Bread models on a landing page. Out of the box, Wagtail gives you a Page with a Title field, and that’s about it. You add all of the content fields yourself. Wagtail uses class-based-views essentially, so it is very Django-ish feeling.

CRX (previously named CodeRed CMS) is an extra extension on top of Wagtail that is pre-configured using Bootstrap (CSS framework) to define your content. So you get navbars, footer, carousels, rows/columns, cards, etc. at your disposal out of the box. It also implements common website features such as a Blog (Article Pages), Forms, Store Locator, Calendar (Event Pages), etc. as abstract models with pre-made Bootstrap HTML templates. So you get all of this out of the box with no coding required. You can also extend or change most of these features because they are implemented as Abstract models (once again think class-based-views).

As an agency, we built CRX because it makes it quick and easy to stamp out a boilerplate Bootstrap website with no code. Then customize the styling, HTML templates, and add a few custom models or business logic that is specific to the client.

In short, CRX is basically what we as Django developers always wanted WordPress to be!

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Do you know if there is any guide that explains how to install Wagtail CRX on shared hosting with cPanel?
I tried to follow vanilla Wagtail tutorials but none worked for CRX.

Any tutorial that works for Django will work for Wagtail and will also work for CRX. They are all hosted the exact same way (using Python + WSGI).

If you have access to SSH (which I believe can be enabled through CPanel), then I’d recommend configuring Apache and mod_wsgi. An online search should yield plenty of tutorials about “how to host Django with Apache”. Hopefully that points you in the right direction at least.

Lastly, since I work at CodeRed, I’ll mention that we have a Django/Wagtail hosting platform designed to make it as easy as possible. If you’re interested, check it out: CodeRed Cloud. We also have a guide: Wagtail Quickstart — CodeRed Cloud Docs

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