Hello I would like to better understand how the virtual environment is managed.
I installed python and in python interpreter I chose python.
Calling python directly loads the virtual environment PalestraGes which is the name of the project, without me having created the environment
Is this normal ?
I have explored the project folder and the virtual environment folder is missing.
Question, should I create the virtual environment ?
I created the virtual environment PalestraGes but it does not create the folder, maybe there is conflict ?
Created the env environment and the folder is also created but when I call python it always puts me the PalestraGes virtual environment. Is this normal ?
In Project Structure I see the folder in pink is it normal ? and what does it mean ?
I attach S.S.
You’re going to need to be more explicitly clear as to what you’re doing and what tools you’re using.
In particular, show the actual commands you are running to perform these steps that you are describing, along with the output that you are getting from those commands, and identify what you are seeing that is making you come to the conclusions you’re posting here.
After the installation I created a Project
Folder Name GymGes
Project Name PalestraGes
I created the virtual environment with the same name PalestraGes
py -m venv PalestraGes
Checked in the folder where manage.py is but no PalestraGes folder was created, probably because it is already there
I go into the project folder and find the bin and Scripts folders
If I open the pyenv.cfg file from the PalestraGes project folder the command line is defined as follows
command = C:\Users\Gaetano\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python313\python.exe -m venv C:\xampp\htdocs\PalestraGes\env
As a virtual environment is this okay ?
Is it ok to create a virtual ambienete with the same name as the project folder ?
I’m still not clear on what you have done. You haven’t shown the actual directories involved or the commands you’ve run to create these, or the full layout of your project.
The best that I can do at this point is refer you to Is the structure of the project correct? - #2 by KenWhitesell, where I describe in general what a typical directory structure for a Django project looks like.
As long as your project has a layout comparable to what I’m showing, then your project is ok.
Technically, the virutual environment is not part of your project. Your project runs inside the virtual environment, not the reverse. (For more on this see the thread at Django project within virtual environment or shared common folder)
You can create the virtual environment inside your project directory (the top-level directory), but you will want it to have a different name than the inner
project directory that contains your settings file.
Sorry it was not clear to me
Below is the structure of the project
For what I understand it is better to create the virtual environment with a different name.
I had thought about it and wanted to create a different one. With deactivate I close the environment (GymGes)PS C:\xampp\htdocs/PalestraGes and create another one (like env). When I relaunch PyCharm it always shows me (GymGes)PS C:\xampp\htdocs/PalestraGes
How do I delete re the virtual environment PalestraGes ?
PalestraGes # Folder Name
\---PalestraGes # Project Name
| .gitignore
| asgi.py
| pyvenv.cfg
| settings.py
| urls.py
| wsgi.py
| __init__.py
| \---site-packages
| activate
| activate.bat
| activate.fish
| Activate.ps1
| deactivate.bat
| django-admin.exe
| mod_wsgi-express.exe
| pip.exe
| pip3.13.exe
| pip3.exe
| python.exe
| pythonw.exe
| sqlformat.exe
| | .gitignore
| | misc.xml
| | modules.xml
| | PalestraGes.iml
| | workspace.xml
| |
| \---inspectionProfiles
| profiles_settings.xml
+---Pale # Nome App
| | admin.py
| | apps.py
| | models.py
| | tests.py
| | urls.py
| | views.py
| | __init__.py
| |
| +---migrations
| | __init__.py
| |
| \---__pycache__
| urls.cpython-313.pyc
| views.cpython-313.pyc
| __init__.cpython-313.pyc
| manage.py
Getting rid of a virtual environment is easy, delete the directory and everything in it.
(I don’t know/use PyCharm, and so can’t help you there.)
I had thought about it the problem is that it corresponds to the PalestraGes/PalestraGes project folder.
Should I delete the whole project ?
I don’t know what you mean by this.
The top-level PalestraGes directory is the project directory.
The inner PalestraGes directory contains the asgi.py
, wsgi.py
, settings.py
file etc. The other directories you appear to have in there (Lib
and Scripts
) can be deleted. (I’m not aware of any directories needing to be in the inner project-name directory.)