Django Fellow Report - Natalia

Week ending 2023-10-29 (Week 43)

I started the week feeling quite exhausted after DjangoCon US and the trip back home. I thought I could ease into the week, when Mariusz luckily reminded me (thank you!!!) that “today” (that was last Monday) was Beta Release Day. After a brief moment of panic and some mate, I reviewed and merged the pending release blocker, allowing for the subsequent 5.0 Beta Release, so it all worked out in the end.

To avoid reliving such a shocking episode, I’ve created a dedicated Google Calendar for Django Releases. The main purpose of this calendar is to track both past and upcoming Django releases, as well as send (me) timely reminders to allow sufficient preparation time for release tasks. If you believe this calendar could be valuable for you personally or for the broader community, let me know!


