I want to build a website with Django and for fronted i am confused should i use an already built template with html,css and javascript or go step by step and build the template with my own.
The problem with ready temples that they use a lot of things that i didn’t study yet like:
- jquery.min.js
- modernizr.js
- bootstrap.min.js
- jquery.easing.min.js
- owl.carousel.min.js
- jquery.flexslider.js
- jquery.animateNumber.min.js
- isotope.pkgd.min.js
- functions.js
i have a basic knowledge of html and css. i didn’t know javascript well
The project that i want to build is just a cleaning services app that show current posts and the services of the website no login,logout or payments needed.
I think it’s a simple website but the biggest challenge will be the fronted
Any help or guide for what should i do!